Sunday, June 7, 2009

How can I keep my nails looking healthy?

While nails are only a small part of the human body, they can make an individual look either nice or unattractive. In many cases, good-looking nails can make a person feel confident. Nice looking nails that are polished can be attractive and even sexy.

There is not a single product out on the cosmetic market that can make your nails look great. In fact, the majority of cosmetic products contain so many chemicals that they can harm your nails. To make your nails look great, you can apply the following ideas.

Firstly, take care of your nails just like you take care of your face. Be gentle with your hands and do not traumatize the nails. If you have a job that requires lifting or excessive handwork, wear gloves or mittens. Avoid using your nails to prod, poke, or pry things.

Avoid biting on your nails and do not pick at the cuticles. While nail biting is just a bad social habit, it can sometimes also damage the nail bed. People who constantly bite their nails have real ugly short looking nails, which look all chewed up. Once the nail bed gets damaged, you can even develop an infection. After the nail bed is damaged, you have to wait a long time to see new nail growth- so biting is NONO.

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