Saturday, May 9, 2009

Home Care Treatment for Ingrown Toe Nails

For those who have no time to see a physician and have an ingrown toenail, the following may help:

Soak your feet for 15-20 mins twice a day in warm water. There is no need to add salt or any other anti septic to the water. The water will soften the nail, relieve pain, and reduce redness.

If there is room, you may place a small piece of gauze underneath the nail. This is not very easy and the gauze will keep on falling out. Moreover, when the nail is tender you may not be able to stuff the gauze inside. If you can get the gauze inside the nail, change it daily

If there is no infection, avoid antibiotic

Wear decent shoes. Sandals are preferred. If you go back to wearing high heels, then you deserve the pain from ingrown toenails

In most cases, the pain is mild but can be moderate while wearing shoes. Advil or Motrin is sufficient for most individuals

Take good care of your feet and practice good hygiene. We live in a society where almost everyone worries about their face and not their feet. However, if you are a diabetic your feet should be the most important part of your body.

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