Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why do i keep on developing split fingernails? part 2


If you are continually washing dishes or work in an environment where your hands are in constant contact with water, wear rubber gloves. Any gloves will do as long as they prevent water contact. Be careful of latex allergy and buy latex free gloves.

If you love to sit in the tub and have long baths, this can also lead to split nails. So cut down the time spent in water.

Do not use nail polish remover more than 1-2 times every 4 weeks. If you do have a habit of changing nail polish every week, then buy a nail polish remover without acetone. These removers do not work great but you will not develop split fingernails.

If you have split fingernails and love manicures, then you are out of luck. Manicurist and technicians at spas use a wide variety of chemicals that damage nails. So limit the number of manicures you have.

Get in the habit of using a moisturizing cream on your hands and nails at least twice a day and every time you wash your hands. Please do not believe the hog wash by beauticians and other health care workers who tell you to buy expensive creams containing vitamin, minerals, metals, tea extracts and so on. All these products do nothing and are expensive. Just use a simply moisturizer without fragrance. Baby oil is as good as anything out on the market.

Maintain good nail hygiene and keep your nails trimmed

If you develop split finger bails, there are many types of nail glues and clear polish available. Nail glues do work fine but need a polish to make the texture smooth. There are hundreds of nail polishes and glues. It really makes no difference what you use.

Diet: There is zero evidence that split nails are from lack of vitamins or minerals. So please do not go and buy herbs and nutrients to supplement your diet. If you feel that you need more vitamins in your diet, just buy some decent fruit. Eating fruit is better, safer, and more delicious than any health supplement. It is also cheaper.

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